Privacy Policy - Digital Campaigns
- Contact information that you provide to us, e.g. name, phone number and e-mail address. This information will be processed in order to be able to contact you with relevant marketing materials.
- Information we automatically collect when you use our website, our landing pages, newsletters, webinar platforms and other digital services, e.g. browser information, IP address, geography, time of access and information regarding your usage and activity on our websites and other digital platforms. Part of this information is collected through the use of cookies and the information collected will therefore depend on your consent to the use of cookies. You can read more about our processing of personal data through the use of cookies here.
- Information collected from third parties, e.g. search engine providers and social media platforms. If you use these services to interact with Ramboll’s websites and services, we may collect and process your personal data provided by these services, e.g. information regarding your specific interests, usage, background information, “likes”, etc. You can restrict the information that is shared with us on the third party’s website.
Christina Hansson
Senior Group Business Integrity Manager
+45 51 61 25 06