Ramboll is a global architecture, engineering, and consultancy company. As a foundation-owned people company, founded in Denmark, we believe that the purpose of sustainable change is to create a thriving world for both nature and people. So, that’s where we start – and how we work. Our history is rooted in a clear vision of how a responsible company should act and being open and curious is a cornerstone of our culture. Ramboll in the Americas has thousands of experts working across more than 70 offices. Ramboll experts deliver innovative solutions across Environment & Health, Water, Energy, and Planning & Urban Design.
Ramboll is a global architecture, engineering, and consultancy company. As a foundation-owned people company, founded in Denmark, we believe that the purpose of sustainable change is to create a thriving world for both nature and people. So, that’s where we start – and how we work. Our history is rooted in a clear vision of how a responsible company should act and being open and curious is a cornerstone of our culture. Ramboll in the Americas has thousands of experts working across more than 70 offices. Ramboll experts deliver innovative solutions across Environment & Health, Water, Energy, and Planning & Urban Design.
Ramboll is a global architecture, engineering, and consultancy company. As a foundation-owned people company, founded in Denmark, we believe that the purpose of sustainable change is to create a thriving world for both nature and people. So, that’s where we start – and how we work. Our history is rooted in a clear vision of how a responsible company should act and being open and curious is a cornerstone of our culture. Ramboll in the Americas has thousands of experts working across more than 70 offices. Ramboll experts deliver innovative solutions across Environment & Health, Water, Energy, and Planning & Urban Design.
Ramboll is a global architecture, engineering, and consultancy company. As a foundation-owned people company, founded in Denmark, we believe that the purpose of sustainable change is to create a thriving world for both nature and people. So, that’s where we start – and how we work. Our history is rooted in a clear vision of how a responsible company should act and being open and curious is a cornerstone of our culture. Ramboll in the Americas has thousands of experts working across more than 70 offices. Ramboll experts deliver innovative solutions across Environment & Health, Water, Energy, and Planning & Urban Design.
Dags för nya utmaningar? Hos oss på Ramboll väntar spännande projekt där din kreativitet och tekniska kompetens bidrar till hållbara lösningar som verkligen gör skillnad. Som Uppdragsledare, VVS får du en nyckelroll i projekt som sträcker sig från strategisk planering till teknisk projektering. Är du vår nya kollega?
Kom og bring din indre konsulent i spil og få et unikt indblik og en masse praktisk erfaring hos et af Nordeuropas førende konsulenthuse. Du får nu mulighed for at blive praktikant i Rambøll Management Consulting’s Hjernen&Hjertet afdeling, som en del af systemudviklingen. Har du et ønske om at afprøve konsulentrollen og udvikle dine praktiske og kreative kompetencer, bl.a. inden for kvantitativ dataindsamling- og afrapportering kombineret med IT og projektledelse? – så kan denne stilling være den rette mulighed. Bliv en del af Rambøll Management Consulting som vores nye praktikant, hvor vi sammen arbejder for at skabe en bæredygtig fremtid.