February 9, 2022

Ramboll setzt auf Nachhaltigkeit

Ramboll führt eine neue Vier-Jahres-Strategie ein und unterstreicht das Engagement für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. Ziel der Strategie ist es, den nachhaltigen Wandel der Gesellschaft voranzutreiben und zum weltweit führenden Unternehmen in der grünen Energiewende zu werden.

Today, Ramboll unveils its new company strategy The Partner for Sustainable Change. With the strategy Ramboll aims to become a global leader in sustainability by helping clients and society transform towards a sustainable future.
“Over the last strategy period Ramboll has grown 35 percent and we have built a very strong sustainability offering across our markets. We now take the next step and go all in on sustainability to meet the fast-growing need from companies and societies for advice on how to transform sustainably. Our main contribution is to translate overall ambitions into concrete solutions that are truly sustainable and help our clients address the dilemmas that are inherent to the transition,” says Group CEO Jens-Peter Saul.
All in on sustainability
On all projects Ramboll will offer clients alternatives on how to improve the sustainability of their projects, just as Ramboll will help clients develop sustainable strategies on operational impact. Ramboll will focus on four areas: decarbonisation, urban resilience and liveability, resource management and circularity, and biodiversity - key areas that are central to the transformation of society and where the company has a significant positive impact through its solutions and advisory services.
“We will focus our entire portfolio towards these major sustainability themes over the coming four years. This means that we will partner with clients who are ambitious in sustainability even though some may be in the early stages of their transition. We need to collaborate very closely with our partners to bring the best of our sustainability insight, innovation power and design excellence,” says Jens-Peter Saul.
Though Ramboll already comes from a strong position in sustainability, the company will be developing new expertise through targeted investments, acquisitions and talent attraction and through strategic competence development for existing employees.
“It is a massive transformation for our company. We expect to invest up to DKK 2.5 billion into acquisitions and innovation that can further strengthen our expertise. In addition, we will be training and upskilling our 16,000 colleagues so we can all guide our clients on sustainability. A special focus will be to build specialist competence centres with deep knowledge where we develop the global thought leaders who can really take this important agenda forward,” says Jens-Peter Saul.
Global leader in the green energy transition
One of the bold ambitions in the strategy is to become the global industry leader in the green energy transition. Today Ramboll’s energy practice employs 1,500 experts. By end of 2025 the aim is to have 2,500 experts working on the world’s biggest and most ambitious energy transformation projects. Ramboll is already a world leader in offshore wind and has a front position in emerging energy technologies such as Power-2-X, hydrogen and carbon capture and storage.
It also means that Ramboll will exit oil and gas exploration before the end of 2025 and redeploy the deep technical expertise the company has built up over years through working with oil and gas in the North-Sea within renewables. This transformation is already well underway:
“The experts we have in oil and gas are technically very strong and extremely knowledgeable about the maritime environments where we will expand our already strong position within offshore wind and Power-2-X and hydrogen. We have already reduced our oil and gas activities by 75 percent and are now accelerating the transfer of our remaining oil and gas expertise to renewables and decarbonisation solutions,” says Jens-Peter Saul.
The Ramboll Group strategy, The Partner for Sustainable Change covers the period from 2022-2025. It is announced to all 16,000 employees in Ramboll today.