Ramboll in Norway offer Building, Transport, Water, Environment & Health, Energy and Management Consulting services. We have 1700 experts in 13 offices throughout the country. Henning Larsen architecture studio, is part of the Ramboll Group.
Rambøll Norge AS
Visiting address: Harbitzalléen 5, NO-0275 Oslo
Postal address: P.O. Box 427 Skøyen, NO-0213 Oslo
Norway+47 22 51 80 00
Rambøll Norge AS
Visiting address: Kobbes gate 2, 7042 Trondheim
Postal address: Pb 9420 Torgarden, NO-7493 Trondheim
Norway+47 73 84 10 00
Nygårdsgaten 95, 5008 Bergen
Norway+47 55 17 58 00
Ramboll Norway was the first Norwegian company, and the first engineering and consulting company in the world, to be certified according to the UN’s sustainability goals and is a member of Skift – Business climate leaders.
Our People
Erlend Bere
Commercial Director, Buildings
+47 98 40 09 54
Katrine Johansen
Market Manager
+47 93 44 44 03
Kirsten Syvertsen
Markedssjef Transport
+47 95 97 74 26