Health and safety
Caring for employees is fundamental to Ramboll. Maintaining and improving the safety and well-being of employees is one of our most important tasks. It contains policies that define our systematic approach to identifying, managing, and monitoring risks as well as our ongoing commitment to improving our performance.
Caring together
Key performance indicators
- : 0.79
Lost time incident rate (LTIR)
- : 1.85
Total reportable incident rate
- : 98.2%
Global Health and Safety training completion
Health and Safety ambitions
- Conduct global Health and Safety campaigns and spotlights to refresh employees’ Health and Safety awareness, as well as continue with regular Health and Safety communications on various digital channels.
- Collaborate with Human Resources (HR) to include mental health and well-being in our Health and safety training material.
- Equip leaders with relevant health and safety leadership training to support them in enhancing the company’s Caring Together culture.
- Further use and leverage our leading and lagging health and safety indicators to advance our How We Act system, inspiring employees to be part of the continual improvement process.